Texas Pet Owners Beware of Dangerous Coyotes

Coyotes are commonly found in Texas, posing a threat to pets and livestock. To safeguard your animals from these predators, consider the following facts and tips.

What Are Coyotes, and Why Are They a Concern?

Coyotes, part of the dog family and closely related to wolves and foxes, are adaptable creatures thriving in various habitats, including urban and suburban areas. While mainly active at dawn and dusk, they can hunt during any part of the day or night.

Coyotes pose a danger as they can harm or even kill pets, particularly small dogs and cats, along with livestock such as sheep, goats, and poultry. Additionally, they may carry diseases like rabies, distemper, and parvovirus, posing risks to other animals and humans.

How to Prevent Coyote Attacks on Pets and Livestock?

Texans can take several measures to prevent coyote attacks on their animals. Implement the following preventive actions:

Keep pets indoors or in secure enclosures, especially during the night. Avoid leaving them unattended or letting them roam freely, and always use a leash when walking them outside.

Eliminate potential food sources for coyotes, such as pet food, garbage, compost, bird feeders, or fallen fruits. Store these items in airtight containers or dispose of them properly.

Install fences, gates, or electric wires around your property, with a height of at least six feet and extending underground to deter digging. Additionally, use motion-activated lights, sprinklers, or noise makers to discourage coyotes.

If you have livestock, house them in a barn or pen during the night. Employ guard animals like dogs, donkeys, or llamas for protection. Ensure regular vaccination and deworming of your animals.

Report coyote sightings or incidents to your local animal control authority or wildlife agency for assistance and information on managing coyotes in your area.

What to Do if You Encounter a Coyote?

If you come across a coyote, remain calm and follow these steps to scare it away:

Make yourself appear large and loud by waving your arms, clapping your hands, shouting, or throwing objects. Avoid turning your back or displaying fear.

If you have a pet, pick it up or keep it close. Prevent any interaction or chasing with the coyote.

If the coyote persists, back away slowly without cornering or provoking it. Find a safe location, such as a car or building.

In the event of an attack, defend yourself or your pet using available items like a stick, rock, or umbrella. Aim for the head, eyes, or nose and call for help or dial 911.

Remember, coyotes are unpredictable and potentially dangerous wild animals. Stay aware of their presence and behavior, taking precautions to coexist peacefully with these creatures and protect yourself and your pets.


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