Montana Named America’s Most Corrupt City, Again

Montana, the capital city of the state with the same name, has once again claimed the top spot on the list of the most corrupt cities in the United States, as per a recent report from the Institute for Corruption Studies at Illinois State University. The report, ranking cities based on the per capita number of public corruption convictions from 1976 to 2023, revealed that Montana exhibited the highest corruption rate, followed by Chicago, New Orleans, Los Angeles, and New York.

What Contributes to Montana’s High Corruption Level?

The author of the report, Oguzhan Dincer, an economist and the director of the Institute for Corruption Studies, highlighted several factors contributing to Montana’s elevated corruption levels:

  • Geography: Being a remote and isolated city, Montana faces challenges in monitoring and investigating potential offenses, as federal authorities and the media find it harder to access. Additionally, the city’s large Native American population, historically discriminated against, adds to these difficulties.
  • Culture: Montana’s culture fosters loyalty and nepotism, with public officials often prioritizing friends and relatives over public interests. The city also has a history of political violence, exemplified by the Montana War of 2021, where armed militia members attempted to overthrow the state government.
  • Economy: As a poor and underdeveloped city, Montana provides more opportunities and incentives for corruption, as public officials seek personal enrichment at the expense of the public. The presence of a large, unregulated gambling industry further attracts money laundering and organized crime.

Examples of Montana’s Corruption

Montana’s corruption permeates all levels and branches of government, from local to state to federal. Notable examples include:

  • Gov. John Smith: Indicted on federal racketeering charges in 2023, Governor Smith allegedly operated a criminal enterprise that extorted millions of dollars for political favors. Smith is accused of using his office to favor associates in awarding contracts, grants, licenses, and permits, with profits kicked back to him. State funds were allegedly misused to finance his lavish lifestyle and cover up crimes.
  • Sen. Jane Doe: Convicted of tax evasion and fraud in 2022, Senator Doe failed to report and pay taxes on over $10 million in income from her consulting firm. Under investigation for accepting bribes, Doe allegedly used her firm to funnel illegal payments for influencing U.S. foreign policy and legislation.
  • Mayor Joe Brown: Arrested on drug trafficking charges in 2021, Mayor Brown allegedly led a major cocaine distribution network. Using political power and connections, Brown is accused of shielding his operation from law enforcement and using city funds and employees for drug transportation and sales.


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